Association Management

Association and Event Management

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Business and Community Associations have existed for many, many years and have always been an integral part of career development. In the past, these associations were managed by volunteers who took on all the workload and responsibility. Today, in this fast-paced business world where everyone is trying to juggle a busy family life along with a heavy work load, it is more difficult to get volunteers to manage all the work of the organization. That’s where we come in. Bond Executive Offices has the ability to manage all aspects of national, regional, and local not-for-profit business associations and local association chapters. We become the staff of our associations and manage all, many, or some of the duties required to keep the association viable and on the right track. We work alongside the volunteers providing support and liaising with the members when and where needed.

Services we can perform on behalf of our associations:

  • associate img01Complete management support, including governance, advice, and recommendations for board of directors and executive committee members.
  • Well-appointed meeting rooms, board rooms and a seminar room are available 24/7 for the myriad of events, including courses, seminars, meetings, parties, and social gatherings
  • Ability to make all of the arrangements for any or all of your events including:
    coordinating events
    liaising with external facilities
    contacting the membership through e-mail, fax, broadcast e-mail, and snail mail.
    taking minutes and preparing agendas
    pre-registering and on-site registration
    selecting menus and catering
  • Financial management including budgets, maintaining bank account(s), collecting membership fees, accounts payable and receivable, and all functions to trial balance
  • Maintain and update association websites, membership databases and archival information.
  • Conventions and conferences, from initial planning to execution
  • An office environment for the use of the volunteers including the storage and monitoring of any materials needed by the association

associate img02In a nutshell we can provide all, part, or any specific service needed to successfully run a business association. We would be happy to meet with your association volunteers to devise a service proposal tailored specifically to your organization and it’s budget. We are an accredited members of the Canadian Society of Association Executives (CSAE) and our current association clients would be delighted to give you a reference if asked